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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Making of Johnny Dansing close to completion, but not yet so close

I can't say that it's close to finish this game. Is still some key things that are important for this game. The first factor is the music - music for dance. I tried to make something, but my songs fit more for an action game than the dancing game. I'm going to follow in the footsteps of many independent developers and ask for permission to insert other people's music. In order to let you know what I am actually looking for, I might add, that among the candidates for the song to my game is a remix of the "Dancing Queen" song of legendary band "Abba". In addition, the implemented songs require adjustment to them directions of the arrows, similar to those that you remember in the "Dance Dance Revolution" and "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas".

So it's time to keep moving forward!

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