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What's that?

"Selection B" is a project, within which are formed independent and non-commercial games.

This name comes from the time of the reign of two-dimensional games in the world. In these games, "Selection B", or "Mode B" etc., was always a second mode of play of the game. So it was an alternative game mode for the first mode. Also project "Selection B" is an alternative to the leading manufacturers of three-dimensional games outrivaling in the technology used in games. So, Selection B is a "plan b" and also refers to the legendary games of the 80ies and early 90ies.

Mode B and 2D gaming era

As is known, a 2D game for a long time does not reign the gaming market. After the famous video game crash in the mid-eighties, it was time the third generation of console games, controled inter alia by the Nintendo Entertainment System. 2D gaming become extremely popular, also thanks to the great titles, like Super Mario Bros, Contra, Double Dragon, and many others.

2D games have survived from that time until two generations. In the second half of the nineties this games were forced out by the three-dimensional works, and their times continuous from the fifth generation to this day. Old school gaming bites the dust, but still many of her old supporters treated the new 3D games as non playable works.

Today, 2D games are treated as an niche entertainment. But this tradition are continued by the independent game developers. Many games of this type are created in the form of retro, in order to celebrate this era. But many modern 2D games went on the new way. They simply evolved, as if the era of 3D games were not there at all. Thanks to it the 2D games have been enhanced with new innovations.
In my blog I'll try to borrow something from these both options. Thanks to it the games in the "Selection B" will be created by new methods, but with full of solutions from games of the eighties and nineties and with own graphic style. However I do not exclude creating completely new unconventional projects, or retro games.

Greetings my friends ;]

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